The Society for the Study of Early Modern Women & Gender sponsors a listserv, which is housed at the University of Maryland.

This is an unmoderated list that serves as the official communication channel for the Society (elections, prize nominations, etc.) and for topical information sharing by members (conference announcements, recent publications, etc.). Posts are expected to advance the respect that feminists seek to model in the academic world.

SSEMWG members are welcome to subscribe. To subscribe, sign into the mail system you use most often. Send a message to: listserv(at) Leave the subject field blank. In the message field, write: SUB emw-l your name.

Please note: the “@” sign in the address has been replaced with “(at)” to protect us all from spam. AND, the address is “listserv” with no “e” on the end. AND, the address is EMW-L (not EMW-1). The list is private; only subscribers may post messages.