Adopted by the Organizing Committee in 1993, ratified by the Membership in 1994.

Amendments ratified by the Membership, March 2007, March 2008, November 2012, December 2015, December 2018.


Articles of Association of the undersigned, a majority of whom are citizens of the United States, desiring to form a non-profit society, do hereby certify:

  1. The Society for the Study of Early Modern Women and Gender is a community that fosters and promotes scholarship and teaching on women and issues of gender from all parts of the world in the early modern period.

  2. Name. The name of this society shall be the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women and Gender.

  3. Purpose. The objectives of this Society shall be to further scholarship on Early Modern Women and Gender by bringing scholars together, by maintaining a website and a listserv, by encouraging research in progress, by promoting the exchange of ideas in this field, by selecting outstanding scholars for honor, and by carrying on such other activities as the members of the Society may determine from time to time, within the meaning of section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Said organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Upon the dissolution of the corporation/ organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future Federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the Federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.

  4. Membership. Any person may become a member of the Society upon payment of annual dues as fixed in the Bylaws, and may continue as a member by payment of subsequent annual dues.

  5. Officers. The officers of the Society shall be: a President, the immediate Past-President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The Vice-President shall be elected for a term of two years in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws, after which the Vice-President shall be President for a two-year term. The President may not serve two consecutive terms. The Treasurer and the Secretary shall be appointed by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee, and shall serve for a three-year term, renewable at the discretion of the Executive Committee and the incumbent, under such conditions as the Committee may specify. No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall insure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article Third hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from the federal income tax under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

  6. Administration. The affairs of the Society shall be administered by an Executive Committee, consisting of the Officers, six term members, two of whom shall be elected each year for terms of three years in a manner described by the bylaws, and a student, selected by the President, who shall serve for 1 year. The Webmistress, the Social Media Liaison, the Chairs of the Nominating and the Awards Committees, and the previous Past-President shall serve as ex officio non-voting members of the Executive Board. Nominations to the Executive Committee should take account of diversity of academic disciplines and geographic areas. The Committee shall take all appropriate action on behalf of the Society, creating committees when it so desires, and through the Secretary and Treasurer shall furnish a report at the Society’s Annual Meeting. Seven voting members of the Executive Committee, including at least two officers, shall constitute a quorum.

  7. Amendments. Any amendment of this Constitution shall take effect immediately upon approval by the membership. Voting shall take place by mail ballot; a measure receiving a clear majority of the votes cast will be considered to have been approved.  2012 Amendment: Any amendment of this Constitution shall take effect immediately upon approval by the membership. Voting shall take place by electronic voting and communication; a measure receiving a clear majority of the votes cast will be considered to have been approved. 2018 Amendment changes the organization’s name from the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women to the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women and Gender.


  1. Dues. The annual dues shall be set by the Executive Committee, with reduced rates for graduate students, independent scholars, and members who are retired or working part-time.

  2. Duties of Officers. The President shall preside at the Annual Meeting and at meetings of the Executive Committee, shall direct the call of all meetings of the Executive Committee, shall name a replacement for any officer who is unable to serve, and shall make decisions, in consultation with the Executive Committee, on matters that arise between meetings of the Committee. The Vice-President, in the President’s absence, shall preside at the Annual Meeting and at meetings of the Executive Committee and upon the death or resignation of the President, shall become President. The Secretary shall also act as Secretary of the Executive Committee, shall at the direction of the President call all meetings of the Committee, shall within one month of any Committee meeting issue minutes to the members thereof, and shall conduct the general correspondence of the Society. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds, shall call for and collect annual dues, shall pay all bills properly incurred, shall prepare a proposed budget by July 1 and shall submit records for audit by the Executive Committee whenever the Committee so directs.

  3. Elections. Each year the Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of nominations for Vice-President and for new members of the Executive Committee, and the standing committees. At least two candidates shall be presented for the position, except for the Vice-President. These nominations shall be reported to the Executive Committee and presented to the membership at the Annual Meeting for approval. Nominations will be accepted from the floor at the Executive Committee and at the Annual Meeting, provided that the nominee has given her/his permission. The first slate of officers shall be elected at the Inaugural Meeting; thereafter, elections shall be conducted by mail ballot. A person receiving a clear majority of the votes cast shall be deemed to have been elected. 2012 Amendment: The first slate of officers shall be elected at the Inaugural Meeting; thereafter, elections shall be conducted by electronic voting and communication.

  4. Participation in the Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting is open to non-members, but only members may vote upon Society business.

  5. Amendments. Any amendment of these Bylaws shall take effect immediately upon approval by the membership. Voting shall take place by mail ballot; a measure receiving a clear majority of the votes cast shall be deemed approved. 2012 Amendment: Any amendment of these Bylaws shall take effect immediately upon approval by the membership. Voting shall take place by electronic voting and communication; a measure receiving a clear majority of the votes cast shall be deemed approved. 2015 Amendment adds the position of Social Media Liaison.

Organized on 23 April 1994
Constitution and By-Laws ratified on 20 November 1994
Margaret P. Hannay, Secretary. Siena College Loudonville, NY
Jane L. Donawerth, Treasurer. University of Maryland College Park, MD

1) Amendments approved by the EMW Executive Committee, November 9, 2006. Approved by postal vote of the EMW membership, March 20, 2007.

2) Amendment approved by the EMW Executive Committee, October 25, 2007. Approved by postal vote of the EMW membership, March 20, 2008.

3) Amendments approved by the EMW Executive Committee, October 2012. Approved by vote of the EMW membership, November 2012.

4) Amendment approved by the EMW Executive Committee by email November 17, 2015. Approved by vote of the EMW membership, December 15, 2015.

5) Amendments approved by the EMW Executive Committee, November 2018. Approved by vote of EMW membership, December 2018.

Jane Couchman, Secretary. Glendon College, York University, Toronto, Canada.

Nancy Gutierrez, Treasurer, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, NC.

Signed July 1, 2019 by:

(Julie A. Eckerle) President 2019 & 2020

(Susan Amussen) Vice President 2019 & 2020




All terms begin January 1 and end December 31 of the relevant calendar years.

Elections take place in November by electronic ballot, with results announced by or before January 1.

The membership year runs from June 1 to May 31.

Membership: All Officers, Committee Members and Chairs must be members of SSEMW during their terms of office.


1) Officers:

a) President

b) Past Presidents

c) Vice President

d) Secretary

e) Treasurer

f) Website Administrator

g) Social Media Liaison


2) Committees and Committee Chairs:

a) Executive Committee

b) Awards Committee

c) Nominating Committee


1) Officers:

a) President

Two-year term, non-renewable (changed from one-year term in 2016)

  • Presides at the Annual Meeting of SSEMW and at meetings of the Executive Committee.

  • Makes decisions, in consultation with the Officers and/or the Executive Committee

  • Works with the Secretary to make arrangements for the time and the location for the Annual Meeting, including the Plenary Speaker and the reception following the Annual Meeting, for the Executive Committee meeting, and for any catering required.

  • Chooses, in consultation with the Executive Committee, and makes arrangements for, the Plenary speaker at the Annual Meeting in the year in which she is President.

  • Appoints the Secretary, in consultation with the Executive Committee

  • Appoints the Treasurer, in consultation with the Executive Committee

  • Appoints the Website Administrator, in consultation with the Executive Committee

  • Ensures, with the Secretary, that incoming Officers, Committee Chairs and newly-elected Committee Members are welcomed and informed about their tasks.

  • Sends an email reminder to members who have not renewed their memberships (using a list prepared by the Treasurer).

  • Serves on the Editorial Board of the Early Modern Women Journal

  • Works with the Secretary and the Treasurer to update and print brochures

  • Submits a report to the Executive Committee at its annual meeting.

  • Prepares a President’s Letter to the membership at the end of her term.

  • Names a replacement for any officer or committee member who is unable to complete her/his term.

b) Past Presidents

  • Remain on the Executive for two years, in the first year as a voting member and in the second year as an ex-officio non-voting member.

  • Serve on the Editorial Board of the Early Modern Women Journal.

  • The immediate Past-President serves on the Nominating Committee (amendment approved 2009)

  • Offer advice and continuity to the Executive.

  • Undertake such specific tasks as may be decided on from time to time by the Executive.

c) Vice President

Two-year term, then becomes President for two years (changed from one-year term in 2016).

Each year, the Nominating Committee nominates one person to be Vice-President.

  • Participates in all business of the organization, in preparation for becoming President

  • Monitors all SSEMW sponsored sessions at organizations with which SSEMW is affiliated, and prepares a Report for the Executive Committee and for the Annual Meeting.

  • Works with the SSEMW liaison for each affiliated organization to accept, on a first-come, first-served basis, session proposals for all conferences where SSEMW has a designated number of guaranteed sessions

  • Works with liaisons to the organizations with which SSEMW is affiliated to maintain communications with the organization and with conference organizers to apprise them of SSEMW sessions

  • Serves on the Editorial Board of the Early Modern Women Journal

  • Receives and assesses applications for Student Travel Grants

  • In the President’s absence, presides at the Annual Meeting and at meetings of the Executive Committee.

  • If the President is unable to complete her term, becomes President.

d) Secretary

Appointed by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee (see President, above).

Term of three years, renewable at the discretion of the Executive Committee and the individual concerned.

  • Keeps all SSEMW records except membership: Constitution and Bylaws, Officers and Committee membership, SSEMW Procedures document, Minutes, programme records.

  • Conducts all SSEMW correspondence except membership.

  • Maintains and updates lists and email distribution lists of: Officers, Executive Committee, Committee Chairs. Sends current list to the Website Administrator to be posted on SSEMW web page

  • Writes letters to thank outgoing officers, committee members, and committee chairs

  • Ensures, with the President, that incoming Officers, Committee Chairs and newly-elected Committee Members are welcomed. Sends the SSEMW Procedures document to new Officers, Chairs and Committee Members.

  • Works with the President to arrange a time and location for the Annual Meeting, including the Plenary talk and the reception following the Annual Meeting, and for the meeting of the Executive Committee, and to arrange any catering required. (see President’s duties, above.)

  • Announces upcoming meetings via Email lists

  • Takes minutes at Executive Committee and General Meeting, circulates minutes via email to the members following the meetings, and in hard copy at the subsequent meetings.

  • Announces results of elections to the Executive Committee and to the individuals elected.

  • Informs Award winners via email and invites them to the presentation of Awards at the Annual Meeting.

  • Prepares Award Certificates, based on Awards Committee citations; mails Certificates to Award winners who are not present to receive their Awards.

  • Sends acknowledgement letters to officers and committee members at the end of their terms.

  • Keeps track of what needs to be done, and reminds those who are responsible.

  • Serves on the Editorial Board of the Early Modern Women Journal.

e) Treasurer

Appointed by the President, in consultation with the Executive Committee, for a three-year term, renewable at the discretion of the Executive Committee and the individual concerned.

NB: The Treasurer needs secretarial help, normally a work-study student, paid out of SSEMW funds.


  • Deposits incoming dues

  • Pays all expenses

  • Balances checkbook monthly

  • Files tax-exemption status with IRS

  • Presents report at the Executive Committee meeting and at the Annual Meeting


  • Keeps the mailing list of members up to date (noting last dues paid by year).

  • Verifies that newly-elected Committee members are up to date with their SSEMW membership, and informs those who need to renew.

  • Corresponds with potential members.

  • Issues membership receipts.

  • Presents report at Executive Committee and at Annual Meeting.

  • In November organizes electronic vote for Committee members.

  • Receives and counts ballots, reports results to President and Secretary.

f) Website Administrator

  • Appointed by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee for a five-year term, renewable at the discretion of the Executive Committee and the individual concerned.

  • Ex-officio non-voting member of the Executive Committee.

  • Maintains and updates the SSEMW website.

  • Receives, monitors and inputs submissions for website revisions and additions from SSEMW Officers, Committee Chairs, and other SSEMW members.

  • Makes suggestions for website improvements to the President and to the Executive Committee.

  • Sits on the SSEMW Executive Committee.

g) Social Media Liaison

  • Appointed by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee for a three-year term.

  • Ex-officio non-voting member of the Executive Committee.

  • Liaises with the website administrator regarding the posting of SSEMW website materials to social media outlets.

  • Monitors all social media outlets to which SSSEMW communications are posted. 

  • Appoints SSEMW social media contacts, on a conference-by-conference basis, at all the conferences at which SSEMW has sponsored sessions.

  • Prepares a report for the annual meeting regarding the social media activity of the past year.

  • Sits on the SSEMW Executive Committee.


2)    Committees and Committee Chairs:

a)      Executive Committee

Voting members: the Officers of SSEMW (the President, the immediate Past President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer), the elected members (elected in groups of 2 for 3-year overlapping terms), and a student, selected by the President, who shall serve for 1 year.

Ex officio, non-voting members: the preceding Past President, the Website Administrator, the Social Media Liaison, the Chairs of the Awards Committee and the Nominating Committee.

  • Chaired by the President

  • Meets annually, before the Annual Meeting of the Society.

  • Carries on SSEMW business between annual meetings, normally via email.

b)     Awards Committee

Consists of 9 members, elected for 3-year overlapping terms.

  • Works with the Awards Committee Chair to choose Award winners

  • The Committee is normally divided into Sub-committees, each of which considers submissions for one Awards category (or two, depending on the workload).

  • Sub-committees prepare a citation (50 to 100 words) for each work selected, including both Award-winners and Honorable Mentions.

  • Members of the Awards Committee are eligible to submit work for consideration for an Award, provided that they do not serve on the subcommittee dealing with the Award for which their work is a candidate.

Awards Committee Chair

The outgoing Chair chooses the incoming chair with advice from the Awards Committee from among its continuing members, for a one-year term.

  • Invites submissions for annual Awards via SSEMW listserv and web site, and via other relevant listservs and websites, including those of SSEMW allied associations

  • Receives works submitted and distributes them to Committee members for evaluation

  • Works with the Committee to select one Award winner and up to two honorable mentions in each category each year.

  • Works with the Sub-committees to prepare a citation (50 to 100 words) for each work selected, including both Award-winners and Honorable Mentions.

  • Reports Award winners to the President and to the Secretary

  • Provides a list of Award Winners to the Secretary at least 1 month prior to the Annual Meeting so that the Secretary can contact the Award Winners.

  • Provides a full Report including names, titles, bibliographical information and citations to the Secretary at least 2 weeks prior to the Annual Meeting so that the Secretary can prepare the Awards Certificates.

  • Presents certificates to Award winners at the Annual Meeting.

  • The Chair of the Awards Committee is not eligible for Awards during her term of office. If a work by the Chair of the Awards Committee comes out during her term of office, it may be considered for the next year’s Award.

  • Arranges for, and reports to the President on, the choice of the Awards Committee Chair for the following year.

  • Sits on the Executive Committee

 c)      Nominating Committee

Consists of 7 members, 6 elected for 3-year overlapping terms and the immediate Past-President.

  • Prepares a list of potential candidates for committee vacancies and for Vice-President (to become President the following year). There should be two candidates for each available position except for the Vice-Presidency. Approaches potential candidates re their willingness to stand.

  • Prepares a slate of candidates to be reported to the Executive Committee and presented to the Annual Meeting for approval. Accepts nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting.

  • Prepares a ballot to be sent to the membership, including a list of nominees and their affiliation (institution, department/program)

  • NOTE: The members of the Nominating Committee are NOT eligible for nomination for other SSEMW Committees or to the position of Vice President during their term of office.

Nominating Committee Chair

The outgoing Chair chooses the incoming Chair with advice from the members of the Nominating Committee from among its continuing members, for a one-year term.

  • Presides over and organizes Nominating Committee activities

  • Consults with President where appropriate

  • Works with the electronic list of members, as well as soliciting names from Committee members.

  • Reminds nominees that they must be members of SSEMW to be nominated.

  • Presents Nominating Committee Report to the Executive Committee and to the Annual Meeting

  • Elections are conducted by mail ballot, sent out in November,  returned to the Treasurer and tallied by her.

  • Notifies all candidates for SSEMW offices and committees of election results.

  • Arranges for, and reports to the President on, the election of the Nominating Committee Chair for the following year.

  • Sits on the Executive Committee

NOTE: The Nominating Committee Chair is NOT eligible for nomination for other SSEMW Committees or to the position of Vice President during their term of office.

[i]Original versions titled JOB DESCRIPTIONS: one undated (from before 1998); one dated 1998.

Revised by the SSEMW Executive Committee: November, 2006; November 2009, September 2011, October 2013, January 2016.