· Kathryn Burns, Colonial Habits: Convents and the Spiritual Economy of Cuzco, Peru (Duke UP, 1999).
· Jacqueline Marie Musacchio, The Art and Ritual of Childbirth in Renaissance Italy (Yale UP, 1999).
· Jutta Gisela Sperling, Convents and the Body Politic in Renaissance Venice (U of Chicago P, 1999).
· Susan Frye, “Sewing Connections: Elizabeth Tudor, Mary Stuart, Elisabeth Talbot, and Seventeenth-Century Anonymous Needleworkers,” in Susan Frye and Karen Robertson, eds. Maids and Mistresses, Cousins and Queens: Women’s Alliances in Early Modern England (Oxford, 1999).
· Jodi Mikalachki, “Women’s Networks and the Female Vagrant: A Hard Case,” in Frye and Robertson, eds. Maids and Mistresses, Cousins and Queens: Women’s Alliances in Early Modern England (Oxford, 1999).
· Betty S. Travitsky, editor and author of introductory monograph. Subordination and Authorship in Early Modern England: The Case of Elizabeth Cavendish Egerton and Her “Loose Papers” (MRTS, 1999).
· Sylvia Brown, ed. Women’s Writing in Stuart England: The Mothers’ Legacies of Dorothy Leigh, Elizabeth Joscelin, and Elizabeth Richardson (Sutton, 1999).
· Susan M. Felch, ed. The Collected Works of Anne Vaughan Locke (MRTS, 1999).
· Stephanie Hodgson-Wright, Alison Findlay and Gweno Williams, “Women Dramatists 1550-1670: Plays in Performance,” video produced by Women & Dramatic Production in association with Lancaster University Television (UK).
· Susan C. Greenfield and Carol Barash, eds. Inventing Maternity: Politics, Science and Literature 1650-1865(Lexington KY: UP of Kentucky, 1999).
· Mary E. Giles, ed. Women and the Inquisition: Spain and the New World (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1999).
We also gave several additional awards at the November meeting. We were especially pleased to give the Founders’ Awards to Jane Donawerth, Elizabeth Hageman, Margaret Hannay, Josephine A. Roberts, and Georgianna Ziegler, the five founders of the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women in 1994, for their pioneering achievements, their vision and intellectual contributions, their hard work and persistence. The Society is their legacy to present and future scholars of early modern women.
We also presented an important special award to Suzanne Gossett and Janel Mueller for completing the edition of The Second Part of The Countess of Montgomery’s Urania, by Lady Mary Wroth, begun by Josephine Roberts. This is an exemplary edition of a significanttext completed by generous colleagues and a tribute to the memory of Josephine Roberts.
We wish to congratulate to all the recipients.
Next year’s awards, which will be drawn from publications in the year 2000, will be based on NOMINATIONS from authors, publishers, and others working in the field. The deadline for nominations for the next round of awards is June 30, 2001.
Please contact Jane Couchman, chair of next year’s awards committee, at, to make your nominations. Awards will be presented under the following categories: book award, essay award, edition award, collaborative projects award, arts and multimedia award, and graduate student conference paper award. Please note this last, new category of awards for graduate students and consider nominating conference papers by graduate students.
The members of the committee would be grateful to receive three copies of any book, article, paper or edition nominated, but they are also willing to consider any suggestions without these materials. To be eligible for the next round of awards, each publication should have appeared in print, and the conference paper should have been presented, in the calendar year 2000.
With best wishes to all,
Carole Levin
EMW President, 2001