Images of Queen Mary I in Literature and Writing
Edited by Valerie Schutte
I am seeking essay proposals for an edited volume focused on writings and literature about Queen Mary I. A few essays and book chapters exist on this subject, but there is no one volume that considers how Mary was written about in documents and letters as well as used in literature, from poetry to plays. While comparisons with her younger sister, Elizabeth, often yield fruitful results, this volume prefers essays focused solely on Mary so as to recover her from the shadows of Elizabeth and her reign. It is the purpose of this collection to present Mary in as many forms of writing as possible so as to offer a wide overview of her as queen, wife, and Tudor.
The collection will be submitted to the “Queenship and Power” series at Palgrave Macmillan, with planned publication for 2021. I will consider proposals from scholars at all stages of their careers, from graduate students to early career scholars to tenured faculty.
Possible essay topics include:
• Poems celebrating Mary’s birth or pregnancies
• Accession literature
• Written commemorations of her death
• Mary as written about in letters, particularly by ambassadors
• Contemporary literature
• Mary’s reputation in Italy or at the Papal Court
• Mary in Spain, as Queen of Spain and Naples, or as a queen consort
• Catholic or Protestant remembrances of Mary
• Mary as represented by later rulers
• Bio-bibliographies or compendiums
• Novels, plays, and historical fiction
• Treatment in encyclopedias or the ODNB
Essays not on these topics will also be considered.
Chapter proposals should be 250-300 words, accompanied by a brief biography, for essays of 6,000-8,000 words. Please email proposals and bios to no later than
1 August 2019. Accepted authors will be notified by September 2019 and complete essays will be due 1 August 2020.
Valerie Schutte earned her Ph.D. in History from the University of Akron. She is author of Mary I and the Art of Book Dedications: Royal Women, Power, and Persuasion (2015). She has edited or co-edited four collections on topics such as Mary I, Shakespeare, and queenship. She has published articles on Shakespeare, royal Tudor women, and book dedications. She is currently working on a monograph on Princesses Mary and Elizabeth Tudor and is planning a large-scale project on Anne of Cleves.