Mulheres da realeza ibérica mediadoras políticas e culturais – Mujeres de la realeza Ibérica mediadoras políticas y culturales

In this book, part of the texts were presented at the seminar Mujeres de la realeza Ibérica como mediadoras políticas y culturales held in Instituto Cervantes de Lisboa with the support of CHAM FCSH / NOVA-UAç and the FCT. Starting from the collective strategic project “Borders” of the CHAM, this book gathers a set of articles by historians and art historians that analyzes the limits of the diplomacy of royalty women of the Iberian Peninsula and its different forms of political and cultural mediation from the 16th to the 18th century. The book pays particular attention to various aspects of…
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New book, Women and Geography on the Early Modern English Stage, by Katja Pilhuj

Title: Women and Geography on the Early Modern English Stage Author: Katja Pilhuj Publisher: Amsterdam University Press Series: Gendering the Late Medieval & Early Modern World In a late 1590s atlas proof from cartographer John Speed, Queen Elizabeth appears, crowned and brandishing a ruler as the map's scale-of-miles. Not just a map key, the queen's depiction here presents her as a powerful arbiter of measurement in her kingdom. For Speed, the queen was a formidable female presence, authoritative, ready to measure any place or person. The atlas, finished during James' reign, later omitted her picture. But this disappearance did not…
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Vanderbilt Philosophy TT Position in Early Modern

[The Vanderbilt University Department of Philosophy would like to announce the following position to the SSEMWG community, if that is OK. If it is not OK, my apologies and please remove this. Thank you! Also, if SSEMWG has any questions about this, please feel free to contact me at] The Vanderbilt Philosophy Department invites applications for a full-time tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor, to begin in the fall semester of 2020. AOS: Early Modern Philosophy. AOC: Open. Four courses/year (2/2), undergraduate and graduate. Usual non-teaching duties. Applicants must have successfully defended a PhD dissertation by…
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