CFP for SSEMW sponsored session at 2015 American Historical Association meeting

Panel proposals are being accepted for SSEMW's sponsored session at the annual meeting of the American Historical Association. The 2015 meeting of the AHA will be held in New York City Jan. 2-5, 2015. The Theme of the Conference is "History and the Other Disciplines." Further information can be found at: Proposed panels are due to Amy M. Froide, History, UMBC BY January 25, 2014. Email if you have any questions and please email ahead of time if you are planning to submit a proposed panel. The accepted panel is required to be submitted through the AHA's online…
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Post San Juan Greetings!

Well, I am flying back from a glorious conference in Puerto Rico. This is just a quick note from the President’s desk, I feel quite new, inexperienced, and excited to be here. Mostly though I want to say how much we have appreciated having Jane Couchman at the helm for the last year. She has been a wonderful leader and SSEMW is the better for her year of service. As she noted in our formal business meeting she has put to bed a number of projects that Allyson Poska set in place, including online voting, new processes of selection for…
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job posting

Dear EMW members, This is from the administrator for the Department of Modern Languages at University of Nebraska. Please encourage anyone you know in the field to apply. Thanks so much. Carole Levin Willa Cather Professor and Director, Medieval and Renaissance Studies Program University of Nebraska Good Morning: The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is searching for a candidate with interest and expertise in the Digital Humanities. Applicants in French, German, and Spanish are encouraged to apply. We ask that you assist us with dissemination of this opportunity by sharing it with your students. Please find the advertisement attached to this email.…
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